Well the last of my clients are getting the last of their stuff....slowly. This is probably the longest it has taken someone to stop a business. I've had my share of kinks though, and it really has set me back.
So my responsibilties don't lie with growing/changing my business anymore.....and I like it.
Working at Rhonda Jean Photos is the first place I have worked where people can actually understand each other. Weelll Rhonda I have to admit I don't understand you sometimes.... XD
Anyway, this post is just to show off what I have been shooting for Rhonda (I hope I've been keeping up with uploads!) and to reflect on where I am going with her business.
Yes this IS the shoot where I threw a camera on the cement! grrrrr
Sometimes I get a get too 'into' it and metal pole can really throw you off, and knock your camera to the ground.
Nothing like a jagged little ledge jabbing you in the ribs while you crank your body over and twwwiiiiissst. But I wanted the lowest perspective possible!
These Guys are RAD.
Nuff said.
(Abbey and Kirby)
...sometimes you just have to get soaking wet for a shot.
OK so I don't have much on the servers yet, but there is a collection building in the office of my Rhonda Jean Photos work and I'm going to have a collection of new media out with her brand which happens to be the best modern brand on the market.
It's going to be a productive winter.
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