Telling your story in photographs.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Work? As of late.....

Well the last of my clients are getting the last of their stuff....slowly. This is probably the longest it has taken someone to stop a business. I've had my share of kinks though, and it really has set me back.

So my responsibilties don't lie with growing/changing my business anymore.....and I like it.

Working at Rhonda Jean Photos is the first place I have worked where people can actually understand each other. Weelll Rhonda I have to admit  I don't understand you sometimes.... XD

Anyway, this post is just to show off what I have been shooting for Rhonda (I hope I've been keeping up with uploads!) and to reflect on where I am going with her business.


Yes this IS the shoot where I threw  a camera on the cement! grrrrr
Sometimes I get a get too 'into' it and  metal pole can really throw you off, and knock your camera to the ground.

Nothing like a jagged little ledge jabbing you in the ribs while you crank your body over and twwwiiiiissst. But I wanted the lowest perspective possible!

 These Guys are RAD.

Nuff said.

(Abbey and Kirby)

...sometimes you just have to get soaking wet for a shot.

OK so I don't have much on the servers yet, but there is a collection building in the office of my Rhonda Jean Photos work and I'm going to have a collection of new media out with her brand which happens to be the best modern brand on the market.

It's going to be a productive winter.


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